Interesting regarding how property titles in Australia are possibly quietly being changed to lease hold, not freehold, without people knowing - unverified, but we have seen this from multiple sources now, and is in line with the WEF and UN 2030 Agenda - “you’ll own nothing and be happy”, regarding the banning of private ownership.
Bottom line- property in western countries is no longer secure like it was in the past. This would never happen in Australia? Check out the WEF and UN Agenda that Australia is agreeable to, and I suggest you don’t bet your house on it.
Where’s the Smart money going?
Smart investors are already divesting of some western assets, to buy in safe countries outside the west - and have overseas non western bank accounts etc, some btc and gold and debt free real estate ,and even back up visas etc to have more then one place to live, if the world goes south rapidly.
With WW3 now a strong possibility, a major financial crash likely,and the US on brink of default, many are preparing back up plans.
I divested many assets out of Australia some years ago, and have back up countries to live in, including Bali - Indonesia.
If you can divest then it’s best to do sooner then later.
* not financial advice, but commentary and opinion.
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